Welcome to the new web site for Kador Communications.
I’m very pleased to launch my newly designed web site.
First of all, credit goes to Rachel Kador, in whose capable hands I placed the design and navigation of the web site. I couldn’t be happier. Nevertheless, if you find any mistakes, mispellings, or broken links as you are browsing, please let me know.
Please check back here for news about my writing services, updates on my projects, and my musings about the publishing industry.
This design replaces a web site I commissioned in 1994. It served me well for almost 20 years, and I’ll miss it in the same way I missed my slide rule when calculators were first introduced. I’ll get over it.
If you’re a prospective business writer, I invite you to ask questions or submit comments about any apsect of writing or publishing.
Interested in the business of apology? I blog about how to effectively apologize and express regret here. Please check it out.