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Semester at Sea–Aloha Edition

On January 14, the M/V Explorer docked in Hilo, Hawaii, after six days of steaming from Ensanada, Mexico.

I’ve received many questions about life on the ship. Here are a few photos and a video that I hope will give you a sense of what ship is about.

First of all, Semester at Sea is a floating university.

Hugh Flick lecturing on World Mythology

The whole program is organized around students and classes. Here’s one of my professors, Hugh Flick of Yale, lecturing on World Mythology. This class meets in the Union, the largest meeting space on the ship. The other nine classrooms are much smaller.

A lot of people have Go Pro cameras. One student attached a camera to a kite and got this image

   of the aft deck at sunrise.

After classes students get to study or hang out.

students by pool on deck 7.

Honolulu skyline from the bow port deck.

Guess what they prefer to do?

Maybe these photos will give you an impression of the dream I’m living. As I always say, if you want to live your dream, wake up.

Next time I’ll tell you more about the activities that students have organized.

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