Perfect Phrases for Writing Employee Surveys with Katherine J. Armstrong
Surveys have become a crucial tool for companies of all sizes to measure employees needs, loyalty and discontents, and adjust accordingly. And creating employee surveys is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks manager’s face. Perfect Phrases for Employee Surveys simplifies the job, providing a comprehensive collection of phrases that you can use to draw out the answers you need from employees.
Perfect Phrases for Writing Employee Surveys is my first contribution to the venerable McGraw-Hill “Perfect Phrases” franchise. I wrote this book with Katherine J. Armstrong, who has extensive experience in designing and implementing employee surveys. More details about Perfect Phrases for Writing Employee Surveys can be found here.
While most employee surveys are vague and barely return positive and concise feedback, Perfect Phrases for Employee Surveys will get you effective results—useful employee performance descriptions, directions for improvements, and more. Perfect Phrases for Employee Surveys includes:
A four-part format that includes overview questions and industry- or company-specific questions
A handy lists of dos and don’ts
A bonus section of perfect phrases for reporting survey results
This is a start-to-finish resource for anyone in HR tasked with this important process.