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John Kador
Sep 19, 2017
Ghostwriting Compensation: Too Much or Too Little?
Both potential clients and fellow ghostwriters are uncertain about ghostwriting fees. Clients always want to know what the ranges are. ...
John Kador
May 6, 2017
My Five Nevers of Ghostwriting Success
Looking back over my three decades of ghostwriting, I realize that every bad client experience I had was really my own fault. In each...

John Kador
Apr 5, 2017
Is There Such a Thing as an Insincere Apology?
Let’s consider the question another way. Is there such a thing as an insincere waiter? An inattentive waiter, sure. An incompetent...

John Kador
Mar 1, 2017
A Tale of Two Apologies
Recently two high profile companies experienced high-visibility failures. Travis Kalanick, the founder and CEO of the ride sharing firm...

John Kador
Jan 23, 2017
Code of Ethics for Professional Ghostwriters
Because ghostwriters engage in activities that by invitation impact the lives of our clients, and because our conduct carries with it...

John Kador
Jan 9, 2017
How to Read a Book Proposal
A book proposal is not the book. It is the sizzle, without even the steak. This distinction, so clear to experienced publishers, is...

Nov 3, 2016
Groping towards Apology
Donald Trump and Ari Shavit Respond to Accusations Two prominent men. Two accusations of serial sexual harassment. Two prominent...

John Kador
Oct 7, 2016
Trump and the Dance of the Past Offense Apology
Most people have enough difficulty apologizing for their behavior in the moment. Apology becomes even more complicated when it comes to...

John Kador
Aug 27, 2016
The Ten Commandments of Being a Good Client
Rules for Getting the Most from Your Freelancer Much has been written about the responsibilities of freelancers to clients. But clients...

John Kador
Aug 27, 2016
Will the Real Ghostwriter Please Stand Up?
Which one of these five episodes (all from recent news reports) really involves a ghostwriter? Oakland police sergeant Mike Gantt faced...
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